
松村 泰樹(まつむら たいき)TAIKI MATSUMURA1985年12月17日生まれ。

D.O.B 17/12/1985

関西出身の元サッカー選手、Brissy Enterprises創設者であり、「英語が身につくサッカースクール」メイン指導者。サッカー留学サポート、語学留学サポート、コーチ留学サポートを展開。

Brissy Enterprises founder, born and raised in Osaka, Japan. A former pro-football player, currently a football coach and an agent for footballers, coaches and students in Japan.


My soccer career started in Australia, 2008 and moved and play in NZ, India, Fiji, Macao, Canada and Ireland till 2018.


Right footed, 174cm, 68kg


My hobby - Watching a movie, traveling and Exploring a new experience.

資格:英語教員免許(中・高)、Business certificateⅡ、東洋拳法初段。ヨーロッパ(UEFA)指導者ライセンス。

Qualification: Teachers licence for English in Japan.  Business certificateⅡ, Holding a black belt for a Japanese martial art called "Toyo Kenpo" and UEFA coaching licenses.

Player’s Career.

Burleigh Heads FC in Gold Coast Premier League, AUS (ゴールドコースト、オーストラリア)リーグ優勝。


Mitchelton FC in Brisbane Premier League, AUS (ブリスベン、オーストラリア)


ASB premiership(New Zealand national league) Young Heart Manawatu in New Zealand, NZ (パーマストンノース、ニュージーランド)     


Bay Olympic in Auckland Football Federation, NZ (NRFL Men’s premier league) (won the league title)(オークランド、ニュージーランド)リーグ優勝


Rangdajied United FC (Ar-hima FCin India (シロング、インド)


Brisbane Force in Brisbane Premier League,AUS (ブリスベン、オーストラリア)


Team NADI in FIJI – Played in a tournament called Vodafone Fiji FACT (ナディ、フィジー)


Capalaba Bulldogs in Brisbane Premier League, AUS (ブリスベン、オーストラリア)


Sierra in Burnaby Men's Soccer League in Canada (バーナビー、カナダ)


Larkview boys in Leinster Senior Football League, Ireland. (ダブリン、アイルランド)


Dublin Bus FC in Leinster Senior Football League, Ireland. (ダブリン、アイルランド)



Coach's Career.


Started my own football academy in Auckland, NZ.(About 30 kids in total)


オークランドの現地小学校Edendale schoolにて、放課後クラスのアクティビティの一環でサッカースクールを開き指導。(毎回40-50人)

Started a football class as a after-school activity at Edendale school in Auckland, NZ. (About 40-50 kids in total)



Coached an U14 side at Brisbane Boys College, AUS.



Started my own football academy in Brisbane, AUS.



Started my own football academy in Vancouver, Canada.


現地日本語学校のJECにてサッカークラスを担当。(Joyous soccer)

Coached students at JEC(Japanese language school) in Vancouver, Canada.


スペイン、バルセロナ公式サッカーアカデミーバンクーバー校のコーチに就任、指導。(FCBEscola Vancouver )

Coached at the official FC Barcelona football academy called FCBESCOLA, Vancouver, Canada.


バンクーバーの近隣地区、バーナビーにある現地のサッカーチーム「Wesburn Soccer Club」にてコーチに就任、指導。(U10、U9、U8、U7)

Coached U7 to U10's kids at Wesburn SC, Burnaby, Canada.



Started my own football academy in Dublin, Ireland.


ダブリンにあるTerenure Rangers FC(U9)にて、コーチに就任、指導。

Coached a U9 side at Terenure Rangers FC, Ireland.


North Dublin Schoolboys Leagueの選抜チーム(U15)の臨時コーチに就任。

Coached the North Dublin Schoolboys League select (U15).


アイルランドでは有名な育成クラブ、Cherry Orchard FCにてU7クラスのコーチに就任、指導。

Coached U7 kids at Cherry Orchard FC, Ireland.


ダブリンにあるLourdes Celtic FCへ移籍。U9, U8のコーチに就任、指導。

Coached a U9 and U8 side at Lourdes Celtic FC, Ireland.

My story

海外ストーリー(My Biography) 




Back in my school days, I was torn among few options for my future. I wanted to make the cut in J-league(Japanese professional soccer league), but I wasn't simply good enough to be scouted by any of clubs in the league. So I made up my mind going to an Uni and learn English with an ambition to go overseas after graduation. In the meantime, I had desperately saved up comfortable cash reserves for it by doing some part-time jobs.


 2008年、大学卒業と同時に英語教員免許(中・高)を取得、資金も貯まりオーストラリアへプロサッカー選手を目指し渡豪。2年半、日本へは一度も戻らず、豪2部のセミプロのカテゴリーまで上がり、その後ニュージーランドへ渡る。当時1部リーグに所属していたYoung Heart Manawatu Unitedにて契約。リーグ終了後、同国オークランドへ移りWinter leagueのBay Olympicと契約、リーグ優勝。同時に現地の子ども達に自らのサッカースクールBrissy Football Academy in Aucklandを開校し、わずか半年で30-40人集まる規模まで成長させる。同時に現地小学校のEdendale primary schoolから依頼を受け、放課後のアクティビティの一環としてサッカークラスを開催し、1度に50名以上の子ども達が集まる人気イベントになった。


In 2008, I took off to Australia for the first time with amounting to about 20.000 USD that I managed to save up while in Uni. After much trial and error, I had been hanging on there for two years and half and got to play at a semi-professional level in Brisbane, Australia in the end. And in the end of 2010, I determined a new journey in New Zealand and got to make a contract with Young Heart Manuwatu in the national league in the country after a few weeks trial. As soon as the first season ended, I transferred to Bay Olympic in the winter league in Auckland football federation. In the meantime, I started off my first ever soccer academy called Brissy football academy in Auckland for mainly Japanese kids who born in NZ. Luckily, it ran with a huge success that ended up doing with 30 to 40 kids every weekend. Moreover, I got to kick off a soccer lesson as a part of after-school activities at a local school called Edendale primary school and made it a successful event during the period with more than 50 kids at every session.


 そしてインドリーグ挑戦の為、忘れもしない2011年のクリスマスにインドへトライアウトに向かう。そこでAr-hima FC(現Rangdajied United)と契約をし、半年間プレー。その後再びオーストラリアへ戻りプレーしながら次の挑戦先を探していた所、フィジーでの挑戦を決意し何もない所から単身乗り込み、トライアウトの末、フィジー1部リーグで契約を掴み取りカップ戦に出場。その後も代理人を全く使わない独自の方法で自ら新しい国に乗り込んでテストを受けるスタイルを繰り返し、マカオでのプレーを経て2015年から拠点をカナダに移し、現地バーナビーリーグ1部で選手を続けながらコーチ業に重きを置いて活動。

 自身のサッカースクールBrissy Football Academy in Vancouverを現地で立ち上げると同時に、現地の町クラブやスペインバルセロナの公式アカデミーバンクーバー校にて、アジア人唯一のコーチに就任、指導。


On Christmas in 2011, I was on board an aircraft to India for a trial. And I got to make a pro-contract for the season. Then, I went back to Australia to keep myself fit for the next journey in Fiji. After the few days trial, I got an opportunity to take part in one of the biggest Cup tournament in Fiji for a month.

In 2015, I moved to Vancouver, Canada and put more importance on coaching in soccer rather than as a player. At the same time, I established myself in my coaching career by setting up my own soccer academy called 'Brissy Football Academy in Vancouver'. In the meantime, I also started working for the first official Barcelona academy in Canada called FCBEscola Vancouver by taking advantage of the career in my previous jobs. As a result, I was able to meet my goals that wanted to get results in coaching in an English speaking environment as that is what I would like to do in Japan. 



 渡航後すぐにアイルランド3部、Dublin Bus FCにてサッカー選手を続ける傍ら、Terenure Rangers FCというダブリンのサッカーチームにて元プレミアリーガーTony Sherridanと出会い、U9チームを指導。同時に、自身のBrissy Football Academy in Dublinを立ち上げ、現地の子ども達にサッカーを教える活動を開始。その後、北ダブリン地区リーグ選抜(U15)の指導や、アイルランドの有名な育成クラブCherry OrchardにてU7の指導を歴任。最後は前述のTonyに誘われる形でLourdes Celticというクラブに移籍しU9, U8を指導し帰国。


In early 2017, I moved to Dublin, Ireland for acquiring coaching licences in UEFA and coaching experiences in Europe. As soon as I got things settled, I signed with Dublin Bus FC (Third tier of Irish football) and also started coaching for an U9 side of Terenure Rangers FC, and at the same time, set up my own academy 'Brissy Football Academy in Dublin'. At that time, I had an incredible encounter with Tony Sherridan, a former U21 Irish international and Premier leaguer at Coventry back in early 90's. 

I also got to pile up experiences at Cherry orchard and the select team in North Dublin schoolboys league as a coach. And I moved to Lourdes Celtic FC to coach the U9 and U8 sides as Tony left to Celtic as well to finish off the coaching journey in Ireland.


At the moment, I've been in the process of getting the National C license in Ireland that is equivalent with UEFA C license.



I also encourage youngsters to go overseas by giving them advice and tips through my past experiences. You can check out more details on the "services" page in the HP.


 現在は日本に帰国し、本格的に自身の英語が身につくサッカースクール「Brissy Soccer School」を大阪・神戸で開校し活動しています。サッカーの指導と英語教育を組み合わせたプログラムを軸に、幼稚園から小学生年代を中心にグローバルな選手・人材育成を目指し活動しています。


I have been back to Osaka, Japan and kicking into gear for my own soccer academy 'Brissy FC' in Kansai region in Japan where teaches soccer in English to foster global athletes with various possibilities for the future. We of course give our all to cultivate kid's talent and facilitate them to become a pro, but there is a fact that not everyone is able to get to that level. By teaching soccer in English, and we believe that could broaden their values and futures too.